MichBio has launched a statewide effort, the Michigan Bio-Industry Roadmap 2015, to develop a five-year strategic plan for growing Michigan’s biosciences industry. The initiative is being conducted in partnership with the Business Leaders for Michigan and the University Research Corridor.
Michigan’s bio-industry is at a critical point given the rapidly changing dynamics in the healthcare delivery marketplace, regulatory landscape, and global economy. For the state’s bioscience research, development, and manufacturing enterprise to have future success, a shared and executable vision is required.
Michael Kruczek, Life Sciences Practice Leader at Data Consulting Group in Detroit, serves as the project manager/facilitator.
Outreach to bio-industry stakeholders is planned in the form of interviews, focus groups, surveys. Data gathered will validate key strategic themes and areas, identify new unmet needs and growth opportunities, and help develop policy proposals for legislative action. Various workgroups have formed or will be constituted to support the Steering Committee in developing the strategic plan. The final report will include performance measures and responsible parties for delivering outcomes. Annual assessments on progress are planned as follow up.
For more details about this Planning Effort, visit the MichBio website at http://www.michbio.org/news/news.asp?id=212911
For more information about the people and organizations involved: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150128006428/en/Michigan%E2%80%99s-Statewide-Bio-Industry-Strategic-Planning-Effort-Launched#.VMvN8i6UKES